About Ali

Ali Jafferjee

BScKin, BScPsych,


About Ali

Ali initiated his career in Neurological Rehabilitation during his undergraduate volunteership at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, where he actively participated in exploring various research topics related to exercise’s role in stroke rehabilitation. The experience of working with stroke patients further ignited his passion, leading him to pursue a master’s degree in Physical Therapy in Scotland, UK.

Ali has been associated with The UK’s National Health Service for three years, where he worked across Scotland and England, providing invaluable rehabilitation support to patients post neuro and orthopedic surgeries.

Ali’s keen interest in addressing the diverse needs of clients with neurological conditions and complex orthopedic injuries has driven him to advance his education. His extensive post-graduate treatment skills include but are not limited to:

• Canadian Bobath Instructors Association – Understanding Locomotion
• Complete Concussion Management Inc – Concussion Management Practitioner
• Basic Vestibular Rehabilitation
• Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation
• BrainFx Cognitive Rehabilitation

Ali is an active participant and presenter at the ECHO Concussion Project, where he collaborates with a multidisciplinary team of experts to discuss topics related to Traumatic Brain Injury. He also leverages his knowledge to speak at various forums such as the Rehab
Tech Summit, where he presented on the use of Neuromodulation Devices in the clinical setting.

He has also been invited to speak at Brain Injury Association of York Region (BIAYR) where he shares his clinical knowledge with individuals living with brain injuries. Ali has contributed significantly to clinical research, assisting his patients in clinical trials investigating the use of exoskeletons in gait training at the University of Toronto and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.

Furthermore, Ali’s expertise and experience have been acknowledged by the University of Toronto’s Masters of Physiotherapy program, where he has facilitated neuro labs this year. He is committed to advancing the knowledge and skills of future healthcare professionals
and contributing to the betterment of the healthcare industry.

When he’s not at the clinic, Ali enjoys a good game of pick-up soccer and outdoor activities such as camping, trekking and rock climbing. Additionally, Ali is an avid swimmer and grew up competing in swim meets and water polo events all over Kenya. He loves to
explore new and remote places and travels as much as he can.

Ali is registered with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario and is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.